So Many Questions

We get so many questions about F.M. Lights. We decided to answer a few. And, what better way to answer, than to reference the book written on the subject. Annabeth Light Lockhart, F.M. Light’s grand-daughter wrote a book entitled: F.M. Light & Sons: One Vision, One Store, 100 Years. Here are just a few of your questions answered:

What was F.M. Light’s original occupation?

Back in the early part of the 20th century, Francis Marion Light* was making his living…as a schoolteacher during the winter months and a farmer in the summer.

What does “F.M.” stand for?

F.M. Light, whose true birth name is Francis Marion Light, never really like to be called Francis so most people called him Frank Light. It is possible that Frank Light was named for the infamous Francis Marion, otherwise known as the Swamp Fox. The Swamp Fox was a great Revolutionary War hero, who is considered to be one of the fathers of guerrilla warfare.

What was F.M. Light’s original occupation?

Back in the early part of the 20th century, Francis Marion Light* was making his living…as a schoolteacher during the winter months and a farmer in the summer.

Where did F.M. Light originally live?

The Light ancestors originated in Switzerland. In search of religious freedom, the Light’s traveled first to Holland and then to England and soon thereafter sailed on the Winter Galley to the American colonies, where they settled in Lebanon, Pennsylvania in 1742. Eventually they constructed a large house of limestone blocks. The structure was built in a Holland Dutch style. The Lights were Mennonites and their home was used as a place of worship for people of that religion. In addition, the Light home served as a place of refuge during the French and Indian War, sometimes housing sixty families during an Indian siege. Because their large home offered a place of safety for the women and children of the surrounding area, it became known as “Light’s Fort.” Now nearly 300 years old, Light’s Fort still stands at its original location at Eleventh & Maple Street in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Over the years, the family moved into surrounding areas. Frank Light lived with his family in Plainsville, Ohio.

Why did the Light family move west?

The Light family moved west for an important commodity; clean air. Dust and grass pollen were an every day part of a farmer’s life. These airborne particles aggravated Frank’s asthma. Sometimes the effects of his asthma were so severe he had difficulty doing the farm work and had to rely on the assistance of his wife Carrie and his eldest son Clarence to harness the team of horses and hitch them to the plow. Frank Light believed Colorado might offer the pure, clean air he needed.