Our favorite part of this year’s 4th of July Celebrations was sharing this wonderful place in this great country of ours with all of our friends and all of our visitors.
We’ve been given something special here. We love sharing this experience with everyone we can, whether you come from far or near. And the 4th of July is always one of the best times to do this.
Lincoln Avenue was as packed as ever with people from all over the world enjoying the sunshine and excitement, and we were right there with them handing out yellow snow cones as fast as we could make them. Our snow cones are a tribute to our yellow signs, of course, but sometimes we have a hard time giving them away. That advice of “don’t eat yellow snow” is hard to forget, even when it’s July and the only snow to be found is in front of F.M. Light & Sons. But it’s always warm enough on the 4th of July that most people don’t even think about it twice and grab and extra one for a friend. We’re just glad to be keeping people cool so that they can enjoy the parade. We also gave out red, white, and blue pinwheels, bouncy balls, and fans to children, and anyone who looked like they really, really wanted one. It’s all part of helping everyone have a fantastic time.
All weekend we had the help of Darrell Kesner, from Dan Post Boot Company, and Craig Anderson, from Stetson. They put on a trunk show where they not only brought extra product options but most importantly their skills and expertise to make sure everybody got fitted just right in only the best cowboy boots and hats.
- Someone has got to sample the snow cones for quality, and 4th generation Light, Ty Lockhart, is our man of the hour!
- Some of our favorite people! Peggy and Michelle prepare for lots of parade-watchers who will be coming in when those festivities are over.
- 5th Generation owner, Lindsay Dillenbeck, and Craig Anderson of Stetson, enjoying the parade.
- Craig and Ty. And two straw Stetsons, of course.
- Ty & Betty, enjoying some shade and cool drinks after the heat and hype of the parade. Got to rest up for the rodeo tonight!
We also had a great time at the rodeo. It’s just such a good way to spend a summer evening; with a bunch of other excited people, whooping and hollering and cheering on the contestants. There were plenty of opportunities for this since the Steamboat Springs Pro Rodeo hosted an event every night, Friday through Monday.
If you weren’t able to join us this year, then we certainly hope to see you next year. Of course, there is still plenty of summer left to stop on by for a visit. We would love to see you.