
“A Dirt Road Diary” – What Makes a Real Cowboy?

What is that essential ingredient that makes someone a real cowboy?   This has been a question posed by many a small  child, wondering if the costume chaps, spurs, and cowboy hat give them the right to be associated with the likes of Hopalong and Wayne, Wild Bill and Earp. However, the question itself only begs […]

christmas recollections christmas poem

A Christmas Poem: “If God had Chosen Cowboys”

Merry Christmas from all of us at F.M. Light & Sons! To celebrate this wonderful season here is a Christmas poem from our friend Steve Lucas. Enjoy, and may you have a most blessed and festive Christmas day. If God had Chosen Cowboys If God had chosen cowboys, instead of those fellers herdin’ sheep To welcome the […]

A Cowboy’s Autumn Poem by Steve Lucas

A Cowboy’s Autumn Poem As the leaves begin to cover the ground and the dustings of snow make their way further down the hillsides with each brisk dawn, we present this poem by Steve Lucas. Our friend Steve has submitted numerous pieces of cowboy poetry to us in the past. Here is his latest contribution; a cowboy’s thoughts […]

The Tipi Raisers Ride from Resort to Rez

What does a new ski lodge in Breckenridge, Colorado, the Lakota tribe from  Pine Ridge, South Dakota, and F.M. Light & Sons have in common? A historic 400-mile ride on horseback from a Colorado resort to a South Dakota reservation, that’s what! It all started when the owners of the ski patrol lodge in Breckenridge decided that they didn’t […]

Chili Cookoff and Pro Bull Riders

We celebrated Labor Day in the usual Yampa Valley style. This of course means taking a break from our work to enjoy the fruit of our labor,  and to play hard in the absence of hard work. The weekend began with the 9th Annual Chili Cookoff Now that name is a bit of a misnomer, so […]