It was another fantastic summer here in the ‘Boat. There were parades, long-horn steers to ride, rodeos to watch, fun barbecues to attend, hot air balloons filling the sky, dog agility shows, and professional cycling races.
We decided that there was so much that we did this past summer, we need to look back at all the fun events in which we took part. Life gets kind of crazy sometimes, and reminiscing about good times is good for the soul.
Rodeo Kick Off Barbecue with Sweetwood Cattle Company
The Steamboat Springs Rodeo is a big deal here in Steamboat. At the beginning of rodeo season, we decided to start the season of right. And what’s better than a barbecue? We worked with Sweetwood Cattle Company (who did a fantastic job of grilling), and the rodeo royalty served up the hamburgers and drinks. Everyone had a great time, and we ushered in rodeo season in grand style.

The refreshments and dessert table in the boot section.

The grill-master’s from Sweetwood, grilling up a storm!

A few folks enjoying those delicious hamburgers.

We had live music outside for everyone to enjoy.

Here is the rodeo royalty – they were great!
Steamboat Springs Pro Rodeo
Yeehaw for rodeo season! We had a blast at the rodeo this year. But, then we always do. Did any of you attend the rodeo? We hope you had a fantastic time!
This cowboy was the only one who was able to stay on for 8 seconds. This was because the bull just stood there. They offered him a re-ride, but since no one else had scored, he took the points. An unusual day at the rodeo!
July 4th: Longhorn Steer
The 4th of July is always amazing in Steamboat, but this year we had a special visitor. A longhorn steer visited F.M. Lights and gave rides. This particular Texas longhorn has 5 horns that are 5 feet wide!

This is Rebecca, who works at F.M. Light.

This little girl looks like she’s not too sure about this fellow…

This boy, on the other hand – looks like he’s having a blast with this Longhorn from Texas!