Bill and Bobby: Dirt Roads and Wall Street – A Father’s Day Tribute

A Father’s Day Tribute, by Steve Lucas

Steve Lucas has contributed another small piece of writing for our enjoyment, this time on the subject of fatherhood.

Oftentimes the plans we make for our lives and the events that actually transpire turn out to be very different from one another. If these plans and the resultant reality were laid down side by side and compared, the relation between the two might not even be evident. However, despite the particular circumstances that intervene – or more likely interrupt – our plans and change the course of our lives, the ultimate result can oftentimes be one we appreciate and admire.

After all, we are not defined by our circumstances. Rather, we are defined by our response to the circumstances.

Despite ups and downs and ebbs and flows, a wise and patient response can result in a life well lived and one that can be considered a success, however divergent it might be from its initial goals. But all of this pontification can sometimes be more confusing than it is explanatory. So here is the story of two men – men who’s lives took two very different paths – but who could look each other in the eye and declare in truth that their lives produced value, success, and great worth.

Bill And Bobby – Dirt Roads and Wall Street

by Steve Lucas

Billy and Bobby grew up on a dirt road.

They rode the same bus to school, they both played high school baseball. After high school, Billy stayed on the ranch to work with his dad. He married Sally, a waitress at the Court Square Restaurant. When Jake, their sone, was born, Billy strapped him into the car seat mounted in the middle of the pickup truck seat. Jake was Billy’s right hand man if he was checking cows, fixing fences, or feeding calves. As he grew, Jake watched his dad and granddad struggle to grow their operation through droughts and floods, good prices and bad. They persevered and more than a few folk s said they had the best ranch in the valley.

Bobby, on the other hand, traded the dirt road for Wall Street. He graduated college with honors, married Sarah, a lawyer and swelled with pride when their son, Brian, was born. Within three years, Bobby and Sarah were divorced, but Brian was still Bobby’s son. Bobby made sure he was Brian’s father in more than just name. He tried to be at every little league game and school event. He and Brian traveled the country and the world together. Brian saw the hard work and long hours his dad put in, and how he dealt with people. Every decision Bobby made, whether Brian was there or not was made while considering the example he was setting for his son.

Bobby and Brian came back down the dirt road before the funeral for Billy’s dad. The fathers talked old times while they watched their sons. The two tall boys looked older than their years as they mixed with the folks crowded in the farm house. They answered questions about what they had been doing and future plans that reflected maturity and character. The two fathers looked at each other with a smile and nod that said “you’ve done a good job raising that boy.”

So to all the fathers who, in spite of circumstances have done the best they can to raise sons and daughters they can be proud of, we say thank you and Happy Father’s Day.

So from all of us at F.M. Light & Sons as well as from Steve, to all of you fathers out there who do your best because that’s what a father does, we wish you a Happy Father’s Day!

If you enjoyed this Father’s Day tribute please feel free to share it with your family, friends, and – of course – your dad. Other pieces that Steve has written, including his cowboy poetry, can be found here.