Lloyd and Annabeth Skiing

Clarence Light and his wife Anna skiing
We had a fantastic time at Winter Carnival this year! We could go on and on about the street events, the ski jumping and the fireworks, but we’ll just share a few pictures instead.
Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club and F.M. Light
To see how our store and the Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club are connected, we have to go back to an old, yellow, faded newspaper article entitled: “The First Winter Carnival.” This article was written by none other than Clarence Light. Clarence tells the story of Carl Howelsen, who moved to Steamboat from his native Norway. Carl loved ski jumping, and he regaled his friends and coworkers with stories of the new sport. One day Carl was talking with his friends and told them: “If I can get $50, I’ll build a ski jump!” Frank Light was one of the first people to pitch in – he donated $5. Other folks pitched in, and the first jump was created! The Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club started in 1914 to promote the first ski jumping event during the carnival. It was held on Woodchuck Hill, which is where Colorado Mountain College is located today.
Generations of Skiing
This spirit has been alive and well since the club first was founded. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the SSWSC – and F.M. Light and Sons is proud to have been a part of it from the beginning!
For generations the Light family and their descendants have skied. In fact, current owner Lindsay Dillenbeck, a two time overall Junior Olympic Champion, began her training with the Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club (read an interview she did with the Steamboat Pilot). Click here to read more about Lindsay and her thoughts on the SSWSC, and to hear stories about the club from her dad (and former owner).
F.M. Light and Sons + Winter Carnival + Winter Sports Club = Long History
F.M. Light and Sons has always been a part of Winter Carnival and the Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club. In fact, Frank Light’s foresight helps make the street events possible as it was his idea to make the sidewalks 15 feet wide instead of 8 (Can you imagine how crowded the streets would be with smaller sidewalks?). But I digress.
Our store and Winter Carnival have a long history. Annabeth Light (Frank Light’s granddaughter) was one of the skiers in the very first Diamond Hitch Parade. She and her husband Lloyd were also the Winter Carnival marshals in 2006. Over the years, our store has appeared in countless photos of street events in downtown Steamboat. But, pictures are worth a thousand words. Just take a look at this photo:
We’re honored that our store has ben part of the backdrop for the Winter Carnival. That is famed olympic ski racer Buddy Werner taking part in the street events; little did he know that one day his town would rename Storm Peak after him.
This is one of the famous snow sculptures at some point during the long history of the carnival. That snow cowboy is looking pretty good in his Levi jeans!